Panda Express Installs Smart Building Technology at U.S. Restaurant Locations


Panda Express will deploy GridPoint Intelligence, a smart building software that will allow for efficient energy consumption and reduced energy costs at its locations in the United States.

The platform will automate in-store control of HVAC and lighting at Panda Express locations, also allowing managers to view the operational and environmental performance of the building. The system automatically adjusts these building assets without the need for in-person audits and works to limit energy consumption during peak system loads. GridPoint Intelligence may also show the exact amount of money and energy saved through efficient building operations and provide suggestions for further improvements.

During the next 18 months, the smart building technology will be installed in nearly 2,500 Panda Express locations. The installations are taking place after a 200-store pilot of the GridPoint technology platform, which was able to demonstrate significant emissions reductions and energy cost savings.

The platform has been installed in more than 20,000 commercial buildings across North America thus far, according to GridPoint.

“Maximizing energy efficiency and decarbonization in complex commercial buildings requires a technology-driven approach," said GridPoint CEO Mark Danzenbaker. "We are especially proud to partner with Panda Express in addressing global energy goals one building, guest, and associate at a time.”

Smart Building Software Addresses Energy Wasted by Commercial Sites

According to the Department of Energy, about 30% of energy used by commercial buildings is wasted. By implementing building management software alone, companies may significantly lower their overall emissions as their buildings’ energy usage improves.

Smart building technology has grown further with recent advancements in AI and machine learning, and several new smart building platforms have entered the market as companies increasingly look to adopt them.

For instance, Honeywell recently released its new Advance Control for Buildings platform, a machine learning-based tool that can be installed using existing building wiring. Heineken also recently announced that they will be working with Siemens to implement the company’s digital twin technology to regulate energy consumption at Heineken breweries.

With many companies prioritizing building decarbonization in their ESG strategies, smart building software may present an opportunity to work toward emissions targets without a complete overhaul of a building’s energy assets.

Environment + Energy Leader