Eskom’s Air Quality Initiative Brings Cleaner Energy to Mpumalanga Communities

Through energy-efficient upgrades, clean energy sources, and community engagement, Eskom is making strides toward cleaner air and environmental sustainability in South Africa's coal-dependent regions.


Eskom, South Africa’s primary electricity supplier, has marked a significant milestone in its commitment to improving air quality and public health in Mpumalanga through the Masibambisane Air Quality Offset (AQO) project.

This initiative, focused on reducing indoor emissions and enhancing the quality of life for low-income households near power stations, reflects the utility’s broader strategy of transitioning toward cleaner energy and addressing the environmental impacts of its operations.

Reducing Household Emissions and Improving Quality of Life

The Masibambisane AQO project aims to mitigate the harmful effects of indoor air pollution, a major concern for communities reliant on coal and wood-burning for cooking and heating. By promoting cleaner energy sources, such as electricity and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), and installing insulation in homes, Eskom is helping these households transition away from traditional, high-emission fuels. The result is improved air quality and enhanced thermal comfort and energy efficiency in homes, benefiting residents’ health and well-being.

In Ezamokuhle, Amersfoort, where the project has seen significant progress, 91% of targeted homes have already been upgraded. These upgrades include providing cleaner energy alternatives, insulation retrofits, and public education on reducing reliance on coal. As the project continues, Eskom plans to expand its reach to additional communities across Mpumalanga, including Phola, Thubelihle, and Masakhane. These efforts align with South Africa’s national environmental goals, as outlined by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment, which seeks to address the impacts of power generation on air quality.

A Commitment to Cleaner Energy Solutions

The company's focus on improving indoor air quality through its AQO project is part of its larger mission to reduce its environmental footprint. As South Africa’s dominant power utility, Eskom generates approximately 90% of the country’s electricity, mostly coming from coal-fired power stations. While this heavy reliance on coal has supported the nation’s energy needs for decades, it has also contributed to high levels of greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, making Eskom one of South Africa’s largest emitters.

Recognizing this challenge, Eskom has integrated more sustainable practices into its operations. The Masibambisane AQO project is just one example of its efforts to promote cleaner energy and reduce the environmental impact of its coal-fired plants.

Deidre Herbst, Eskom’s Senior Environmental Manager, emphasized the project's importance in meeting the company’s environmental goals, stating, “Our goal is to have a comprehensive approach to cleaner energy, which includes reducing harmful indoor emissions and creating a cleaner, healthier environment for communities living near our power stations.”

Community Engagement and Project Success

Eskom’s success in Ezamokuhle has laid the groundwork for future rollouts of similar interventions across Mpumalanga. The recent celebratory event, held at the Ezamokuhle Community Hall, brought together local leaders, Eskom representatives, and community members to mark the achievements of the AQO project.

The event’s highlight was the ribbon-cutting ceremony at a home that had received significant upgrades, transforming it into a safer and more energy-efficient space. Originally a two-room structure with an asbestos roof, the house was completely rebuilt with insulation, ceiling installation, and asbestos removal, offering its residents improved comfort and safety.

Eskom worked with contractors Polyfix and Similile Construction to carry out these upgrades, showcasing the importance of partnerships in driving sustainable energy solutions within communities. These efforts improve living conditions and support their ongoing mission to reduce emissions and promote environmental sustainability.

Looking Ahead: Eskom’s Future in Clean Energy

As Eskom continues to tackle its environmental challenges, the success of the Masibambisane AQO project serves as a foundation for further expansion.

Over 36,000 households across Mpumalanga have been identified for participation in the program, with funding secured by Eskom to support these large-scale rollouts. As South Africa’s energy landscape evolves, Eskom’s role in balancing reliable electricity supply with environmental sustainability will be crucial in shaping the nation’s future.

With its coal-fired power stations still playing a central role in electricity generation, Eskom faces the dual challenge of meeting the country’s energy demands while reducing emissions and promoting cleaner energy sources. Eskom is making strides toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future by expanding its air quality offset initiatives and investing in renewable energy.

The company’s efforts to reduce household emissions in communities near its power stations reflect its commitment to providing electricity and improving South Africa’s citizens' health and quality of life.

Environment + Energy Leader