The Rise of the "Battery Belt" in the Southeast United States: Georgia's Electric Vehicle Boom


The 'Battery Belt' in the Southeastern United States is rapidly becoming a reality, with Georgia at its core. This region has experienced a significant surge in economic growth and job creation fueled by the EV sector. Between 2018 and 2023, Georgia's e-mobility and battery ecosystem attracted investments totaling over $27.3 billion. Major automotive players like Hyundai, Kia, and Rivian have established significant operations in the state. For instance, Hyundai Motor Group’s $7.59 billion EV and battery manufacturing facility in Bryan County is not just a project but a beacon of hope, projected to create more than 8,100 jobs. This showcases the substantial economic impact of such investments and instills confidence in the region's potential for growth.

Job Creation and Economic Impact

The establishment of Cox Automotive’s EV Battery Solutions facility in Conyers, Ga., heralds a new era for the region. This facility offers comprehensive services, including storage, logistics, diagnostics, repair, and remanufacturing of electric vehicle batteries, serving automotive manufacturers, dealers, and fleet operators.

Derrick Fambro, the Senior Operations Manager of the EV Battery Solutions location in Conyers and the facility's first employee, acknowledges the facility's crucial role in pioneering the region's shift toward EV infrastructure. "We are just getting going," Fambro explained. “Once fully operational, we expect to house about a hundred employees per shift; there is significant potential for job creation.”

Environmental Benefits and Sustainable Growth

Beyond economic growth, the new EV Battery Solutions location contributes to environmental sustainability.

Lea Malloy, AVP of EV Battery Solutions, acknowledged that a meticulous study of EV adoptions and migrations across the United States prompted Cox Automotive's decision to establish a facility in Conyers. Several major industry players, including LG and Hyundai, are establishing their regional presence. "We are thrilled to contribute to this growth in the Southeast," explained Malloy.

This setup enables EV Battery Solutions to tackle one of the industry's significant challenges: reducing the time and costs of transporting these Heavy Hazmat Class 9 batteries. “By locating our service facilities near each other, we can more efficiently coordinate with local dealers, reducing the logistics of sending batteries back for diagnostics or service routines as part of our holistic battery lifecycle management,” said Malloy.

The Circular Economy Approach in Battery Recycling

This battery lifecycle management includes reconditioning and focusing on creating a closed-loop system for battery materials, aligning with global sustainability goals. Malloy acknowledges the dual benefits of this approach, both in terms of business strategy and environmental conservation. "We take what we’ve already removed from the earth and repurpose it back into another battery, creating a circular economy through recycling," explained Malloy.

In contrast to the traditional linear 'take, make, dispose' model, which involves producing, using, and disposing of goods, the circular economy adopts a closed-loop system. A closed-loop system designs products for longevity, facilitates easy repairs or upgrades, and recycles or repurposes them at the end of their life cycle to prolong material use.

As the industry leans towards electrification, there's an increasing need for sophisticated electric vehicle battery lifecycle management. EV Battery Solutions is well-equipped to provide essential services that enhance battery performance, extend its lifespan, and support the overall sustainability goals of the mobility landscape. There's a growing emphasis on creating a domestic supply chain that supports the recycling and responsible use of EV materials. According to BASF, using recycled metals in new lithium-ion EV battery production can reduce batteries' carbon footprints by approximately 25% compared to primary metals.

State-Wide Initiatives and Governmental Support

Government incentives promoting EV adoption have also bolstered Cox Automotive's strategic position in the market.

"The facility plays a pivotal role in the state-wide initiative to position Georgia as a leader in the electric vehicle industry," said Malloy, highlighting how the strategic importance of this initiative is similar to the state's successful efforts to attract the film industry through incentives and tax cuts. Malloy added, "Governor Kemp has made it clear to our state and the nation that his goal is to establish Georgia as the frontrunner in the electric vehicle sector."

Georgia's prominence in the "Battery Belt" reflects a strategic convergence of investment, innovation, and governmental support, propelling the state and the region into a future dominated by sustainable and advanced transportation solutions.

Guest Author: Stephanie Valdez-Streaty, Director of Industry Insights, Cox Automotive

As the Director of Industry Insights for Cox Automotive, Stephanie is responsible for research and analysis specializing in the transition to electric vehicles. Her focus is providing insights to clients and the industry on key trends impacting electrification. Stephanie graduated from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in sociology and organizational development.

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