Republican Governors Team Up to Fight Clean Energy Mandates

With more than 24 governors invited to join, the Governors’ Coalition for Energy Choice is poised to expand its reach and influence.


In response to rising energy prices and regulatory pressures, a group of Republican governors has launched the Governors' Coalition for Energy Choice. Led by Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry and New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu, the coalition is focused on promoting energy affordability, consumer choice, and limiting costly mandates that impact American families and businesses.

With founding members from Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wyoming, the coalition aims to reshape state-level energy policies.

Coalition Goals

The Governors' Coalition for Energy Choice has a clear mission: to ease the strain of high energy costs while ensuring that consumers and businesses have more options and control over their energy choices. The coalition's goals include:

Energy Choice: Advocating for policies that empower consumers to select their energy sources, whether traditional fuels or alternative options. By giving consumers more control, states can encourage competition and drive down costs.

  • Minimizing Regulatory Barriers: Reducing excessive permitting and regulatory hurdles that often drive up energy costs. The coalition believes that streamlined regulations can lead to more efficient energy infrastructure development.
  • Opposing Expensive Mandates: The governors are united in opposing rigid mandates that require specific energy sources, particularly those that increase costs for families and businesses. Instead, they advocate for policies that prioritize affordability and allow states to choose the best energy mix.
  • Affordability and Reliability: The coalition stresses the need for reliable and cost-effective energy solutions. Members argue that energy policies should support infrastructure that keeps energy prices manageable while ensuring dependable service.
  • Responsible Environmental Management: While the coalition seeks to lower costs, they also aim to promote responsible energy resource management, balancing environmental considerations with economic growth.

Coalition Leaders Speak Out

Governor Jeff Landry emphasized the need for energy choice, especially in major energy-producing states like Louisiana. “States that enhance energy choice enjoy lower energy costs, increased reliability, and attract more businesses,” he said. “This coalition is about sustaining those trends to benefit residents and businesses alike.”

Governor Sununu pointed to the rising costs driven by government regulations. “Middle-income families are being crushed by high energy prices, exacerbated by expensive mandates. In New Hampshire, we’ve kept energy costs in line by embracing fuel choice and rejecting costly mandates. I look forward to bringing these solutions to other states,” he noted.

Broad Support from Across the U.S.

The coalition is growing, with governors from states like Georgia, Tennessee, Indiana, South Dakota, and Virginia joining the initiative. Leaders like Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota have been vocal in advocating for energy strategies that promote both economic growth and energy independence.

“We need to trust our energy producers to deliver affordable energy and not weigh them down with unnecessary mandates,” said Governor Noem. “An all-of-the-above energy approach is key to supporting families and businesses in our state.”

With more than 24 governors invited to join, the Governors’ Coalition for Energy Choice is poised to expand its reach and influence. The coalition’s founders believe that by removing barriers and increasing energy options, states can provide more affordable, reliable energy to their residents, fostering economic growth and ensuring energy security.

Addressing Inflation and Energy Burdens

At a time when inflation is at the forefront of economic concerns, energy costs are becoming one of the most pressing financial burdens for American families. The coalition’s approach is to offer real solutions by minimizing the regulatory pressures and costly mandates that are driving energy costs higher.

Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia echoed the coalition’s focus on affordability. “Energy policy should serve the people. We have to protect families from rising costs by promoting choice, not forcing them into expensive alternatives,” Youngkin said.

Learning from Successful Models

The coalition’s push for energy choice is not without precedent. Several states have already implemented energy choice programs that have driven down costs and promoted innovation. For example:

  • Texas has seen increased competition and lower prices in its energy market since deregulation in 2002, while also becoming a leader in wind energy production.
  • Pennsylvania has stabilized electricity prices and offered consumers diverse energy options through its deregulated market.
  • California’s Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program allows local governments to procure renewable energy for residents, driving down costs and increasing local control over energy sources.

The success of these programs has inspired the Governors' Coalition for Energy Choice to take similar approaches at the state level, offering a model that embraces competition while prioritizing reliability and affordability.

A Growing Movement

As the coalition continues to expand its membership, its leaders are confident that their efforts will resonate with Americans feeling the pressure of high energy costs. By advocating for energy choice, reducing regulatory burdens, and pushing back against costly mandates, the coalition aims to help states manage energy policy more effectively while keeping costs in check.

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