Americans Choose Sustainability Over Brand Loyalty in New Survey


A new survey conducted by OnePoll for Propel Software has revealed that a significant portion of the American populace is ready to discontinue patronizing brands that fail to emphasize eco-friendliness. The survey of 2,000 U.S. adults indicates a strong consumer pivot towards sustainability, highlighting a shift in purchasing behavior that increasingly favors environmentally conscious brands.

The survey presents compelling insights into consumer attitudes toward sustainability, with 55% of Americans saying they would cease using a brand upon discovering its lack of commitment to environmental sustainability. This sentiment was echoed by a substantial majority, with 68% of adult males and 55% of adult females affirming the importance of eco-friendly products or causes in their purchasing decisions.

44% of consumers report feeling a deeper emotional connection to companies that adopt and demonstrate sustainable business practices. This growing consumer sentiment will likely drive a 33% increase in spending on green products in 2024 compared to the previous year, with average expenditure on eco-friendly products projected to rise from $9,000 to $12,000. This spending surge encompasses many sustainable products, including electric vehicles, household cleaning products, and small and large electronics and appliances.

Regarding sourcing information on eco-friendly claims, 47% of consumers reported turning to product packaging, 35% rely on brands’ websites, and 21% look to advertisements. Ross Meyercord, CEO of Propel Software, emphasizes, “Transparency is important to consumers, and brands should take note if they want customers to continue to be brand loyal. The majority of respondents (65%) say they will look for environmental claims when making a purchase. Today’s consumers are savvy and not easily tricked, as 42% said they can tell when a company is trying to ‘greenwash’ what they do.”

45% of consumers expressed that they would likely switch to an eco-friendly competitor if they discovered their preferred brand was engaging in greenwashing. This trend spans the political spectrum, with 73% of Democrats and 50% of Republicans emphasizing the importance of purchasing eco-friendly products or supporting environmental causes.

Meyercord concludes, “Data shows consumers, regardless of political affiliation, are putting their hard-earned money towards brands and products that elevate environmental causes. And, those brands that accurately communicate their environmental practices to consumers are being rewarded with loyal customers that are spending more with them. Green companies partnering with green consumers makes for a happy, healthy planet.”

Environment + Energy Leader