Hulu Migrates Data Centers To 100% Renewable Energy Facility


Hulu data center Switch Las Vegas renewable Credit: Switch

Hulu is in the process of migrating its data centers to a 100% renewable energy facility in Las Vegas operated by multi-tenant data center provider Switch. The video-on-demand company says the move will eliminate 265,000 carbon tons of emissions from the environment while powering millions of stable and secure streams a week.

In May, Hulu migrated its live data assets to the public cloud platform through Amazon Web Services (AWS), Rafael Soltanovich, VP of software development for Hulu said in a blog post. The rest is now being migrated to the Switch data centers.

“This move allows us to scale in a way that not only minimizes downtime for our customers, but also provides a stable, direct connection to AWS, allowing it to support the growth of our existing cloud platform,” Soltanovich wrote.

Switch’s Las Vegas facility has 12 buildings stretching across 2.4 million square feet and provides capacity of up to 55 kW per rack, Hulu notes. Besides running on renewables, the facility is located in a Seismic Zone 1, meaning that a natural disaster such as an earthquake shouldn’t interfere with operations, Soltanovich says. Hulu expects the migration to be completed next month.

In 2016, Switch began building two solar power stations in Las Vegas that have 179 MW of capacity altogether. Earlier last year, Greenpeace gave Switch a perfect score in its “Clicking Clean” report. The organization praised Switch’s use of 100% locally-sourced renewable energy for all of its data centers and operations, its advocacy for renewables, the transparency of its power usage and emissions as well as its energy-efficient data center design.

The company was the first of its kind to receive a perfect score in the six years since the annual report had started.

The 3rd Annual Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference takes place May 15 – 17, 2018 in Denver. Learn more here.

Environment + Energy Leader