Unilever Unveils Reusable Packaging for 9 Brands


Unilever recently unveiled reusable packaging innovations across nine of its brands, including four new product formats. The new products will be trialed on Loop, a global, waste-free shopping system announced this week.

Bringing together a coalition of consumer goods companies, along with international recycling company TerraCycle, Loop is a business model for premium durable packaging that is delivered directly to the consumer, returned and refilled. According to Unilever, the platform also offers the opportunity to work with others at scale to test reuse models and shift consumer behavior, which will help make circular packaging systems commercially viable.

REN Clean Skincare, Hellmann’s, Love Beauty and Planet, Love Home and Planet and Seventh Generation will trial new reusable packaging made from aluminum and glass.

Three Unilever brands will also be the first to test new formats within the Loop system. Deodorant brands Dove, Degree, and AXE will test a premium, refillable deodorant stick called minim. Made from stainless steel, the design is minimal, compact and sustainable, offering a new consumer experience without any unnecessary materials. Dependent on usage, the product will last on average one month, with the packaging designed to last at least 100 cycles. This means that each pack is expected to last about eight years, with the potential to save up to 100 packs from being thrown away, according to the packaged goods giant.

Earlier this month, Unilever launched its Love Home & Planet line of natural and sustainable personal care products, exclusively available at 500 select Target stores.

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