Transforming Subsurface Mapping with AI: Exodigo's Vision for Sustainable Infrastructure


AI startup Exodigo is redefining how businesses approach underground mapping, aiming to make construction projects safer, greener, and more efficient. The company secured a significant $105 million Series A funding round earlier this year, positioning itself at the forefront of subsurface intelligence technology. This funding will support Exodigo’s mission to provide accurate underground data essential for modern infrastructure projects and mitigate risks associated with buried pipelines, cables, and wires.

The Underground Challenge and Approach

The challenges posed by buried infrastructure are substantial. The Common Ground Alliance estimates that over 20 million miles of pipelines, cables, and wires are buried across the United States, resulting in hundreds of thousands of utility strikes each year and billions in costly overruns. Exodigo’s calculations reveal that companies spend over $100 billion annually on unnecessary and equipment-heavy excavation and exploratory drilling. These traditional methods are costly and environmentally damaging, contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions and disrupting communities.

Exodigo tackles these challenges using advanced sensors, 3D imaging, cloud computing simulations, and a proprietary AI platform. By collecting over 500 GB of data per scanned acre, Exodigo integrates extensive information into a single, easy-to-read map. This technology allows construction teams to identify 20-30% more utility lines than traditional methods and reduces preliminary digging and drilling by up to 90%. Consequently, teams can excavate only where necessary, minimizing environmental impact and avoiding costly delays. This efficiency is crucial, as the built environment contributes to nearly 40% of annual global CO2 emissions.

“By identifying more buried assets than traditional methods, these technologies can prevent unnecessary excavation and exploratory drilling, which are major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions,” says Aurelia Setton, Exodigo’s Chief Business Officer, adding, “Underground sensing technologies also help mitigate the risk of lengthy, unplanned project delays. The longer a project takes to complete, the longer heavy equipment runs and the more pollution and disruption communities experience as a result.”

Adoption and Implementation Challenges

Despite the clear benefits, the construction industry has been slow to adopt new technologies, including AI-powered solutions. According to Setton, overcoming this resistance requires demonstrating the technology's value and aligning it with traditional workflows.

“What has helped us achieve broad enthusiasm for our underground mapping solutions in the construction industry is that while the day-to-day delivery of our product is completely aligned to the traditional way teams already work. So, users can benefit from AI-powered solutions while not changing the way they work. We have built trust with our customers over time, and have industry champions as a result,” Setton explains.

Case Studies and Regional Adaptation

Exodigo’s success stories span various regions and industries, from the United States to Europe and the Middle East. The company’s technology has been instrumental in projects with organizations like Houston METRO, Israel Electric Corporation, and PG&E, helping them avoid unneeded emissions, risks, delays, and budget overruns. Exodigo adapts its technology to different regional needs, taking into account local soil conditions and regulatory requirements, ensuring effective and sustainable outcomes.

Setton emphasizes, “Exodigo is a local-first company. Our teams are anchored in local industry knowledge to speak the voice of the customer and serve the needs of the local unique environment. We also work with senior advisory boards with regional focus to enable us to better serve our clients locally.”

The Role of AI in Future Infrastructure Development

As the construction industry increasingly embraces AI, Exodigo is well-positioned to contribute to broader ESG goals. “The responsible use of AI allows us to build safer, greener, and faster,” Setton notes, highlighting the urgent need to meet climate commitments, concluding, “The core to truly climate-ready construction starts underground.”

Exodigo’s ongoing investment in AI and sensor technology will continue to enhance the precision and depth of its scans, enabling more innovative, more sustainable infrastructure development.

Environment + Energy Leader