Southern California Edison Partners with Volta To Raise EV Awareness


(Credit: Volta Charging)

Southern California Edison (SCE), the largest electricity provider for Southern California, is collaborating with Volta Charging in an innovative outdoor advertising campaign to communicate the benefits of driving electric vehicles (EVs). The ads will appear on charging stations owned and operated by Volta at Vons grocery store in Lakewood, CA.

Volta Charging builds and operates EV charging stations featuring eye-catching digital displays that function as a sophisticated media network. Located in front of retail locations, these sponsor-supported charging stations provide complimentary energy to customers who are able to plug in their vehicles right where they park and shop.

Among other programs, SCE offers several EV incentives and rebates to customers, including a $1,000 rebate on a pre-owned EV and the California Clean Fuel Reward, a point-of-sale incentive worth up to $1,500 on new EV purchases.

In addition to the consumer benefits of saving money and reducing carbon footprint, EVs can help the U.S. and other countries transition to a clean energy, low-carbon future in line with reducing global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius. EVs also provide business benefits to utilities as traditional electricity consumption patterns shift.

According to the EPA, the transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions – coming from burning fossil fuel for cars, trucks, ships, trains, and planes. Most of the fuel used for transportation is petroleum based, which includes primarily gasoline and diesel. This is a key reason National Grid and other utilities have joined the EV100 initiative. EV100 participating companies totaling more than 100 commit to switching their fleets to electric and/or installing charging for staff and customers by 2030.

As an energy supplier for electric vehicles, electric utilities play an important role in growing and shaping the market for EVs. The Boston Consulting Group estimates that the rise of EVs could create $3-$10 billion of new value for the average electric utility. EVs are also expected to provide utilities with enhanced flexibility in balancing power demand with supply and do so at a much lower cost than traditional energy storage.

"We wanted to reach drivers about the benefits of electric vehicles right where they live, and by providing charging infrastructure equitably in our service area," said Grant Takahashi, a senior advisor in SCE's eMobility group who developed the EV awareness campaign focused on underserved communities. The ads will serve to remind the public that driving an electric car can mean cleaner air, lower driving costs and the potential to receive EV rebates.

Environment + Energy Leader