New York State Invests $3 Million in Energy-Efficient Transportation


New York State Invests $3 Million in Energy-Efficient Transportation (Photo Credit: Elvert Barnes, Flickr Creative Commons)

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) and the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) are putting $3 million toward proposals that make the state’s transportation system more efficient.

Applicants must go through a two-step competitive process, first submitting concept papers that demonstrate new technologies, increase access to alternative modes of transportation, or make roads safer in the state.

NYSERDA and NYSDOT announced they are accepting concept papers through October 30 that center on innovative strategies in one of these two areas:

  • Efficient mobility solutions: Projects to reduce transportation congestion and shift travel demand to more energy-efficient modes such as public transportation, greater bicycle availability, and overall improvements in mobility for people and commercial goods.
  • Efficient infrastructure, operations, and systems planning: Projects to increase transportation efficiency by optimizing operations, expanding transportation options, or employing technology-driven approaches that can improve and be integrated into larger infrastructure improvement initiatives.

Once all the concept papers have been submitted, NYSERDA and NYSDOT plan to identify the best ones, and invite those applicants to submit proposals. These proposals will then be reviewed for funding.

The $3 million investment is tied to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Green New Deal, and supports the state goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 40% by 2030. NYSERDA notes that the transportation sector is one of the largest producers of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in the state.

NYSERDA and NYSDOT have already collaborated on a number of projects aimed at cutting emissions in the transportation sector. One involved providing food truck vendors at two popular beaches with power directly from the grid through power pedestals rather than portable diesel- or gas-powered generators. Another project funded a self-driving electric shuttle being tested at the University at Buffalo that’s intended to replace a gas-emitting student shuttle in the future.

Increasing the number of electric vehicles and charging stations throughout the state is a major goal for Cuomo.

New York Power Authority (NYPA) committed up to $250 million through 2025 for EVolve NY, an initiative to accelerate EV adoption and deployment. There’s also NYSERDA’s $70 million Drive Clean Rebate for electric cars and $5 million Charge Ready NY initiative. The Department of Environmental Conservation made $300,000 in rebates available to municipalities for purchasing or leasing electric vehicles. In addition, the NYPA is collaborating with the Thruway Authority on installing fast-charging stations over the next two years.

The 4th Annual Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference takes place May 13 – 15, 2019 in Denver. Learn more here.

Environment + Energy Leader