New Report Reviews Sustainability Efforts Within The Consumer Goods Industry


(Credit: Pixabay)

This Monday, the Consumer Goods Forum, with the help of financial advisory network KPMG, published its first annual review of the commitments, activities and accomplishments of CGF member companies and staff, centering sustainability initiatives.

In Spring 2020, CGF transitioned to CEO-led coalitions to encourage collaboration and focus on greater impact at scale. By March 2021, it had created eight coalitions:

  1. Food Waste.
  2. Forest Positive.
  3. Global Food Safety Initiative.
  4. Collaboration for Healthier Lives.
  5. Human Rights.
  6. Plastic Waste.
  7. Product Data.
  8. Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative.

The body of the report, entitled Collective Action Today, Impact at Scale Tomorrow, is broken down into sections corresponding to each coalition. Highlights include:

  • Members of the Food Waste coalition committing to cutting their food waste in half by 2030 and encouraging their supply-chain partners to do the same.
  • Members of the Forest Positive coalition committing to removing deforestation, forest degradation and conversion from the supply chains of four key commodities — palm oil, soy, paper, pulp, and fibre-based packaging, and beef.
  • Members of the Plastic Waste coalition agreeing to a set of nine Golden Design Rules to reduce plastic waste, including efforts to increase the value of PET recycling and reduce virgin plastic use in business-to-business plastic packaging.  

All CGI members have pledged to track, measure, and report their performance to ensure transparency and accountability.

The Consumer Goods Forum is a coalition of retail and manufacturing leaders working to secure consumer trust and drive positive change in the consumer goods industry. It includes individuals from more than 400 organisations across 70 countries.

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