Logistics Giants and Tech Titans Unite: DHL's Sustainable Shipping Revolution


DHL Group, the global logistics leader, is making significant strides in sustainable shipping through strategic partnerships with tech giants and green energy innovators. These collaborations aim to revolutionize the logistics industry by focusing on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and green energy solutions.

Partnering for a Greener Future

DHL has recently announced two major partnerships that underscore its commitment to sustainability. The first is with Envision Group, a leading green technology company. This comprehensive agreement covers logistics solutions, SAF production, green energy, and the development of a "Net Zero Industrial & Logistic Park."

The partnership with Envision is particularly noteworthy for its focus on SAF production. DHL aims to increase its SAF mix to 30% by 2030, and Envision's expertise in renewable energy solutions will be crucial in achieving this goal. The collaboration also establishes DHL as Envision's preferred logistics partner, supporting the green tech company's international expansion plans.

In a separate but equally significant move, DHL has partnered with Google to implement the DHL Express GoGreen Plus service. This initiative will utilize SAF for express shipping of Google devices across the Americas, Asia, and Europe. The partnership, which follows a successful pilot project, aligns with Google's ambitious goal to achieve net-zero emissions across its operations and value chain by 2030.

Launched by DHL Express in 2023, the GoGreen Plus service uses SAF to reduce CO2e emissions associated with shipments. The service is supported by major contracts with BP, Neste, and World Energy, ensuring a steady supply of sustainably produced aviation fuel.

Innovations in Sustainable Logistics

One of the most exciting developments is the Envision Group concept of a "Net Zero Industrial Park." This new class of industrial parks, powered by comprehensive clean energy solutions, integrates supply chains across various sectors, including electric vehicle and battery manufacturing.

These parks aim to advance new electric power systems models and foster green industrial ecosystems. Already launched in parts of Asia, Europe, and the Middle East by Envision, the concept is set to expand globally with DHL's support.

The Envision Group partnership and GoGreen Plus initiatives are part of DHL Group's larger goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. With air transport accounting for around 70% of the company's carbon footprint, these sustainable aviation solutions are crucial for creating a more environmentally friendly logistics industry.

Environment + Energy Leader