Kyocera Exits OLED Field, Casio Dives In


OLEDAs Kyocera appears to be giving up on Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED) technology, Casio is getting into the game.

OLED technology promises to unleash a wave of improved energy efficiency in the displays market, making televisions, mobile phones and other gizmos brighter, thinner and more innovative in their utility. One benefit is that the displays can be flexible, meaning they can be put on curved walls or other surfaces that previously did not make sense for video displays.

Kyocera, which was working with UDC on making OLED displays for mobile phones, has decided to dissolve its OLED subsidary, reports

Meanwhile, Casio Computer has teamed with Toppan Printing to develop and manufacture OLED panels starting next April, reports CrunchGear.

Samsung expects to put OLED to use in its mass-market next-generation TV sets in 2012. The active-matrix OLED displays have self-glowing materials and will consumer even less power than the first-generation OLED backlit TVs on the market now, reports KoreaTimes.

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