Innocent Smoothies Accused of Green Washing


innocent.jpgInnocent Smoothies, a company at the leading edge of the green revolution, has been accused by environmental groups of making misleading claims about its environmental credentials, the Daily Telegraph reports.

Sam Chase, of the environmental campaign group Rising Tide, says Innocent is green washing, "people will be happy to pay more for a product if they feel it is environmentally friendly. These drinks are supposed to be fresh but they're not."

On the company's Web site, it tells consumers that the drinks are produced in Britain and that "fruit always travels by boat or rail" because these methods are more fuel-efficient. However, the Daily Telegraph writes that it can reveal the drinks are blended elsewhere before being shipped to the country for bottling.

Richard Reed, one of the company's co-founders, denies that the company has deliberately tried to mislead customers but acknowledged that since production moved overseas, the company had not publicized where the drinks are made.

Environment + Energy Leader