Duke Energy’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Grows Almost 20%


Duke Energy’s renewable energy capacity grew by almost 20% in 2017.

According to the company’s recently released sustainability report, the electric company reduced its generation fleet’s carbon dioxide emissions by 31%, sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions decreased 96% and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions decreased by 75% from their 2005 levels. These decreases are primarily due to the addition of pollution control equipment, decreased coal generation, increased natural gas generation, and replacement of higher-emitting plants.

Additionally, the company’s energy efficiency programs helped customers reduce energy consumption and peak demand by more than 14,400 gigawatt-hours and 5,300 megawatts, respectively. Customers benefited from electric rates below the national average in all customer classes and all service areas for the fourth consecutive year. The report also states that the company deployed 1.2 million smart meters in 2017, bringing the number of customers who have smart meters to 40%.

Duke Energy’s Path to a Lower Carbon Future

Back in 2005, coal accounted for 58% of the power the company produced. Fast forward to 2017, coal was only 33% of the total generation and over 38% of the power produced was from zero carbon sources. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are down 31% since 2005, and the company has set sights on greater progress.

By 2030, only one-fifth of the power Duke Energy produces will be from coal, and 80% of the energy produced will be from zero- and lower-CO2 emissions sources, the company says. Duke Energy has set a goal to reduce total CO2 emissions 40% by 2030, compared to 2005 levels, which is consistent with a pathway to achieve a science-based climate target.

The energy company has long been a proponent of energy efficiency and renewables. In February 2017, Duke Energy, in collaboration with Schneider Electric, announced that they would build and deploy microgrids at the Montgomery County, Maryland, Public Safety Headquarters and the county Correctional Facility. The project will include infrastructure upgrades at both locations, installation of solar infrastructure and natural gas generators.

Getting It Done: Vendors Mentioned Above

Duke Energy

Schneider Electric

The 3rd Annual Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference takes place May 15 – 17, 2018 in Denver. Learn more here.

Environment + Energy Leader