Does AI Have a Sustainability Dilemma? Salesforce Research Shows Optimism Despite AI Energy Demands


A recent survey of nearly 500 sustainability professionals has unveiled a nuanced perspective on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in sustainability efforts. Despite concerns about AI's potential negative impacts, a majority express optimism about balancing these effects with AI's benefits.  The survey was conducted by Salesforce in partnership with YouGov between June 5-10, 2024, and included sustainability professionals from companies of varied sizes and sectors from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

Balancing AI's Environmental Costs and Benefits

AI-driven data center power usage is projected to double by 2026, raising concerns about corporate carbon emissions. Sustainability teams worldwide are now tasked with implementing AI technology without exacerbating environmental issues. However, SF's new research indicates that companies are already finding ways to manage this balance.

The survey revealed that 57% of sustainability professionals are optimistic about balancing AI’s benefits with its environmental impacts. This sentiment is driven by AI’s potential to enhance supply chain management, improve Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting, and support broader sustainability initiatives.

AI's Role in Transforming Sustainability Programs

Sustainability professionals are leveraging AI to transform their work, particularly in three key areas:

  • Improving energy efficiency (50%): AI is used to monitor energy consumption, predict high usage periods, and optimize energy distribution.
  • Carbon emissions modeling (48%): AI helps identify lifecycle stages with the greatest environmental impact.
  • Ensuring compliance with environmental standards and regulations (47%): AI assists in adhering to ISO standards and emissions reduction regulations.

Moreover, 65% of those using AI report significant transformations in their sustainability programs.

The Knowledge Gap in Sustainable AI Practices

The primary limitation in utilizing AI for sustainability is a lack of education and training. About 79% of sustainability professionals prioritize educating others on sustainable practices, highlighting a significant knowledge gap. Improved knowledge and skills (52%) and dedicated training programs (45%) are identified as crucial for achieving sustainability goals.

Salesforce is addressing this gap through its Trailhead platform, offering training modules such as the Sustainable AI Blueprint. This initiative aims to empower companies to develop and implement sustainable AI strategies effectively.

Initiatives to Balance AI and Sustainability

“Sustainability and AI education and training not only narrows the gap between businesses and their climate goals, but also helps create a culture of learning and innovation,” said Suzanne DiBianca, EVP and Chief Impact Officer, Salesforce.

According to DiBianca, businesses should invest in initiatives to ensure AI's sustainability and equity. These initiatives include:

  • Driving Innovation and Transparency: Utilizing artificial intelligence to create innovations that lessen environmental impact, like streamlining energy use and enhancing supply chain performance. Also, promote transparency by openly disclosing sustainability measurements and advancements.
  • Supporting Sustainable AI Policy and Philanthropy: Back non-profit organizations using AI to tackle climate issues, and push for regulations that reduce AI's environmental footprint while encouraging innovation.
  • Integrating Sustainability into Business DNA: Embed sustainability practices throughout company operations and dedicate resources to it as a core business function.

Senior Manager of Emissions Reduction at Salesforce, Boris Gamazaychikov, emphasizes that “Investing in innovation and the social impact of AI is crucial for reducing the carbon footprint of AI tools and ensuring the technology benefits everyone equitably.”

The survey underscores a critical challenge and opportunity for sustainability professionals: balancing AI’s environmental costs with its transformative potential. By addressing the knowledge gap and fostering innovation, companies can leverage AI to drive sustainable practices and combat the climate crisis effectively.

Environment + Energy Leader