Demand Response: An Easy Win for Your Decarbonization Strategy

Rising energy demand. Retiring coal-powered plants. Extreme weather. Regulatory changes. These are just a few of the factors driving grid operators across North America to seek more sustainable, cost-effective ways of procuring capacity. The result? Energy flexibility programs, like demand response, are proving essential to maintaining grid stability while supporting the transition to clean energy. And the value of demand response extends beyond the grid.

In this webinar, sustainability and compliance experts from Enel North America will explain how demand response can serve as the cornerstone of your organization’s own decarbonization strategy – and why it is a low-hanging fruit that can unlock quick wins to drive your decarbonization roadmap forward.

In this webinar, you’ll discover: 

  • Why embedding decarbonization into your energy strategy continues to remain a priority -How the electric grid and regulators are promoting the transition to a cleaner energy future and relying on energy flexibility programs, like demand response, to meet these goals
  • How demand response can serve as a backbone to your decarbonization strategy to deliver economic and environmental benefits – we’ll cover why it’s easier to implement than capital-intensive projects and where it belongs on your roadmap.
  • Regional examples of how demand response is playing a crucial role in the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable electric grid
Environment + Energy Leader