Dalrada, Crown Glory Holding Partner to Install 4,500 Heat Pumps


heat pump set up with pipes (Credit: Dalrada)

Dalrada Financial and Crown Glory Holding have reached an agreement to build and install as many as 4,500 energy-efficient heat pumps over the next seven years.

As a part of the agreement, Morocco-based Crown Glory Holding will become the sole distributor of Dalrada heat pumps for Africa and a select group of neighboring countries.  After commencing the project in October of this year, at least 150 of the commercial heat pumps are expected to be operational within the first 12 months. Production will increase each year until the agreement is fully met.

The companies also cited the potential for a heat pump manufacturing center to be built in Morocco.

Heat pumps are used as a more energy-efficient alternative to furnaces and air conditioning, and they produce zero operating carbon when powered by renewable energy sources.

According to Dalrada, their heat pumps efficiently decarbonize heat through a combustion-free process, leading to an overall reduction of global warming potential.

“Crown Glory Holding is delighted to announce its collaboration with our strategic partner, Dalrada Technology Spain,” said Jacques Benhamou, managing partner at Crown Glory Holding. “We share a common ambition to participate in the sustainable development of Moroccan industry with a Net Zero Carbon emission objective through technologies like heat pumps that are relevant, tangible, and eco-responsible from the first day of use.”

Heat Pump Sales Increase Worldwide, Offer Sustainable Heating and Cooling

According to Dalrada, home energy usage is responsible for 1 billion tons of carbon emissions each year, and for a typical U.S. home, 54% of energy goes towards heating and cooling. Heat pumps run on electricity rather than fossil fuels and use heat from outside the home and transfers it for use as indoor heating or cooling.

Global sales of heat pumps grew 11% in 2022, according to the International Energy Association analysis, and the largest increase was seen in Europe. The IEA has identified heat pumps as the central technology in the global transition to secure and sustainable heating.

As a part of Dalrada’s recent global expansion, they will now bring heat pumps to African markets as well as the Middle East. Dalrada’s climate technology team is to visit Morocco in late September to determine a detailed plan for building, shipping, and installing new heat pumps for Crown Glory Holding’s clients.

Environment + Energy Leader