First Vehicle-to-Grid School Bus Now on the Road in Illinois


(Credit: Cummins)

The first operational DC fast charge vehicle-to-grid (V2G) enabled school buses have been unveiled in Peoria, Illinois. The two V2G enabled powered electric school buses are being delivered to the Pekin Public School District and the Hollis Consolidated School District. This milestone is the first where the V2G technology has moved beyond pilot phase and into full commercial production and operation for the school bus market.

Cummins Inc. provided the electrified powertrains for the buses.

V2G technology enables energy stored in the battery to be exported from the electric vehicle. With this technology, electric school buses can act as a power source, providing power back to the grid, or to anything else that may require it, also known as vehicle-to-everything (V2X). This technology can be used to reduce building energy consumption costs at peak times or provide back-up power during emergencies.

Since July 2020, all Cummins powered Blue Bird electric school buses have been V2G capable, which indicates the hardware for the technology has been installed on the bus. Cummins has since worked with green technology company, Nuvve, to develop and deploy the necessary software to be paired with compatible chargers. Starting mid-2021, all Blue Bird electric school buses delivered will be fully equipped with V2G hardware and software. Cummins powered Blue Bird electric school buses already delivered with the V2G hardware will be receiving the V2G enabling software by the end of 2021.

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