WRI Water Risk Map Launched on Bloomberg


Aqueduct mapThe World Resources Institute’s Aqueduct Overall Water Risk map is now integrated with Bloomberg’s interactive mapping platform, BMAP, and is available to the more than 320,000 subscribers of the Bloomberg Professional service.

WRI says Aqueduct provides the most current, comprehensive, and high-resolution (15,000 sub-basins) global water risk mapping tool available. Aqueduct’s overall water risk map, the layer incorporated into BMAP, heat maps water risk calculated by using indicators that consider how much water may be available in a given location, the general quality of that water, and what potential regulatory and reputational risks are associated with a site.

Demand is projected to increase in the coming years and decades for limited, unpredictable, and often polluted water resources — especially among businesses — so the need for water risk mapping and mitigation will likely grow, Bloomberg says.

For the third consecutive year, the World Economic Forum ranked water among the top three global risks to social stability, businesses, food and energy production, and more. Using Aqueduct, Bloomberg Professional service users can now better understand water-related risks to their companies and investments, the organizations say.

Most companies believe water challenges will significantly worsen in the next five years, according to a survey of major US corporations by the Pacific Institute and VOX Global published earlier this month.

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