Construction Firm Offers Demand Response via Partner


Two UK firms, Costain and Open Energi, are partnering to bring demand response to business customers. Construction firm Costain can now offer Open Energi’s Dynamic Demand system to clients that are major energy consumers. Early adopters are Sainsbury's and Aggregate Industries.

Open Energi's Dynamic Demand uses a combination of software and metering technology to attach to machinery such as pumps, chillers and air conditioning systems. Operating through a Tridium controller, it adjusts the power consumption of an asset in accordance with changes to grid frequency, effectively turning them into 'smart assets'.

Power transported by National Grid has to be balanced to within a statutory frequency limit of 49.5 to 50.5 Hertz. If grid frequency drops, additional power needs to be generated. When Dynamic Demand detects a change in frequency, it automatically adjusts the power consumption of assets under its control.

Dynamic Demand is the first of a portfolio of demand response products to be fielded by the corporate partners under the umbrella brand name of COdemand.

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