Solar Panels Working as Promised for Iowa Company


Trina SolarThe Oskaloosa Herald offers an update on Mohrfeld Electric’s solar installation at Huffman Welding and Machine in Fort Madison, Iowa.

The panels, which were installed in December, 2015, have produced $10,000 worth of electricity. State and Federal tax credits have for about 45 percent of the project. With incentives, the typical payback is five to seven years, the story says.

The piece says the system is rated for 208 KW and uses net-metering. During summer, the grid power is used early in the day when product starts, while the panels suffice later on. On balance, the panels use more power than the company uses. Thus, the goal -- to cut 90 percent to 100 percent of the company’s electric bill – has been met.

In March, the Iowa Utilities Board scheduled formal complaint proceedings on behalf of Eagle Point Solar of Dubuque in regards to a filing that could lead to expanded net-metering in the state.

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