Product Announcement: Vitro’s New Low-e Glass Adds Additional Solar Control


University of South Florida, Interdisciplinary Sciences Building, uses Solarban glass

Architects, designers and building owners will soon have a new option for solar-control, low-e glass applications that the manufacturer says won’t compromise project budgets: Sungate 700 passive low-e glass from Vitro Architectural Glass.

Sungate 700 features durable magnetron sputtered vacuum deposition coating that “makes it idea for multiple applications,” the company says. These include:

  • As an interior-facing coating on double- or triple-pane IGU with Solarban-coated low-e glass on the second surface;
  • As a traditional high-performance passive low-e coating on the third (#3) surface of a double-pane IGU;
  • As an interior-facing coating, with or without the use of an additional solar control low-e coating, in laminated monolithic applications; and
  • As a traditional third-surface (#3) coating paired with tinted or reflective glasses by Vitro.

Sungate 700 can be used to achieve specific project requirements such as increased insulating performance or increased heat gain.

Last year,  Solarban solar control glass was used in Chatham University’s Eden Hall Campus due to its ability to transmit high levels of natural daylight while diminishing solar heat gain. The university said Solarban was chosen due to its ability to transmit high levels of natural daylight while diminishing solar heat gain.

Vitro has been exploring ways to improve the efficiency of its manufacturing process and to be an environmental steward, according to Javier Gutierrez, manager of the company’s Fresno, CA, plant. “We’ve made excellent progress improving our furnace operation, and we’ve made numerous upgrades throughout the plant to ensure that we’re safe, productive and efficient,” explained Gutierrez. The company says it is continuing to look at how to improve its processes and develop increasingly sustainable manufacturing methods.

Environment + Energy Leader