Meet the 100: Terrill Laughton, VP & General Manager of Optimization - Johnson Controls


The E+E 100 are the VPs, directors, managers and engineers who are making significant strides in driving our industry. See the complete list here or download the report for more detailed information about these leaders. And stay tuned for the Call for Submissions coming later this fall, when you can nominate your favorite sustainability or energy management professional!

“You have to start taking some action; you can’t just keep waiting for that perfect solution.”

Now, meet Terrill Laughton, vice president and general manager of energy optimization and connected equipment with Johnson Controls. At Johnson Controls, Laughton provides software as a service (SaaS) applications to the company’s Digital Solutions business customers, helping them better manage their buildings and facilities.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced in the last year or two?

Finding the right stakeholders and gaining alignment within our customers to move forward with energy and sustainability initiatives.

How have you addressed that challenge?

We addressed it by identifying the key decision makers and what their primary goals and objectives are so we could articulate the value of our offerings to address their most critical needs. It has been successful thus far.

What advice would you give other professionals as they try to accomplish their sustainability or energy management goals?

As it relates to our customers, I’d say you need to set a plan for what you want to do within your buildings and facilities and then you need to start taking steps toward that plan. You have to start taking some action; you can’t just keep waiting for that perfect solution.

Environment + Energy Leader