Lockheed Martin Implements 53 Energy and Carbon Reduction Programs, Saving $2 Million Annually


(Image courtesy of Lockheed Martin.)

Lockheed Martin recently released its 2018 corporate sustainability report, "The Science of Citizenship," which states the company reduced annual energy and water costs by $23.9 million compared to 2010. The report says the company also implemented 53 energy efficiency and carbon reduction products that resulted in an estimated annual energy reduction of 29 million kWh and more than $2 million in savings.

The aerospace technology corporation also increased its use of renewable energy, consuming 307,378-megawatt-hours (MWh) of clean energy, comprising 294,933 MWh of renewable energy certificates (RECs) and 12,445 MWh of on-site energy generation. In 2017, it consumed 303,746 MWh of renewable energy.

Specific highlights relating to energy and environmental management include:

  • Implemented 53 energy efficiency and carbon reduction products including HVAC, lighting, building control systems, renewable energy, and retro-commissioning. These projects result in an annual energy reduction of an estimated equivalent of 29 million kWh, with an estimated $2.2 million in recurring annual cost avoidance.
  • Eleven HVAC projects were completed, resulting in approximately an equivalent of 4.3 million kWh of energy and more than $300,000 in recurring annual cost avoidance.
  • Thirty lighting projects were completed, resulting in approximately an equivalent of 8.6 million kWh of energy and more than $900,000 in recurring annual cost avoidance.
  • Two building control system projects were completed in 2018, resulting in approximately an equivalent of 2.5 million kWh of energy and more than $260,000 in recurring annual cost avoidance.
  • In the US, a significant amount of water is used by utilities to generate electricity, creating a vital link between water usage and energy reliability. In 2018, reduced electricity consumption in Lockheed's facilities indirectly saved more than 5.6 billion gallons of water5 compared to 2010.
  • Exceeded the US Department of Energy Better Plants Program goal of 25% energy intensity reduction at its top 20 US manufacturing facilities.
  • Avoided $23.9 million in annual energy and water costs compared to 2010.
  • Since 2008, installed 13 on-site renewable energy systems, including 12 solar systems and one biomass facility for a total of 9.3 MW of capacity.
  • Almost 1,000 meters were used across 50 sites to manage and track energy demand and consumption.
  • Latest results outperform a science-based threshold to stabilize atmospheric carbon emissions. Using the Center for Sustainable Organizations’ Context-Based Carbon Metric methodology, Lockheed produced less than its calculated threshold of emissions based on the company's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP).

In 2016, Lockheed Martin began work on turning waste into energy, partnering with Concord Blue and using their technology to take waste and generate syngas, a synthetic gas rich in hydrogen that also has carbon monoxide in it — things you can use to fuel electric engines, turbines, and plants that would normally use natural gas.

The 4th Annual Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference takes place May 13 – 15, 2019 in Denver. Learn more here.


Environment + Energy Leader