IBM Reduces CO2 Emissions Almost 40% since 2005


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IBM has reduced its operational CO2 emissions by 39.7% since 2005, according to IBM's sustainability report that was released today. The achievement puts IBM ahead of schedule in reaching its current goal of a 40% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025.

In addition, 47% percent of the electricity IBM consumed in 2019 came from renewable sources, keeping the company on track to get 55% of its electricity from renewables by 2025.

Other highlights from the report; in 2019:

  • IBM implemented 1,660 energy conservation projects at nearly 230 locations globally. These projects delivered annual energy savings of 136,000 MWh, equal to 3.2% of the company's total energy use during 2019 and surpassing the corporate goal of 3%.
  • IBM became a Founding Member of the Climate Leadership Council and supports its bipartisan roadmap for a carbon tax with corresponding carbon dividend.
  • Technical experts at IBM across the company's business units and research division continued to develop new ways of helping to solve difficult environmental problems based upon data and today's exponential information technologies — including AI, analytics, IoT and blockchain, which have the power to change business models, reinvent processes, and reimagine work.

IBM Research also developed an AI-based forecasting and control system that improves electricity storage in photovoltaic systems. And IBM created a digital farming platform that will provide farmers with hyperlocal weather forecasts in addition to offering real-time recommendations tailored to the specific needs of individual fields and crops, helping to increase crop production, save water and decrease the need for fertilizers and pesticides.

Environment + Energy Leader