Group Aims to Double US Energy Productivity by 2030


The Alliance to Save Energy’s state and local campaign - Energy 2030 On the Road – has garnered the support of nearly 100 organizations to date.

Energy 2030 On the Road is an education, awareness and action-building campaign to achieve the goal of doubling US energy productivity by 2030.

The campaign has already made stops in Seattle, Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Ann Arbor, Mich. Additional stops are planned with the goal of securing endorsements and garnering support in ten target cities by the end of the year.

According to the Center for the New Energy Economy, doubling energy productivity by 2030 would:

  • Save America $327 billion
  • Save $139 billion in transportation
  • Save $94 billion in industry
  • Save taxpayers $13 billion
  • Reduce energy imports to 7 percent overall use, $100 billion.
  • Reduce overall US energy use 18 percent.

Environment + Energy Leader