EL Conference Talk: Artificial Intelligence and Peak Shaving


At the 2017 Environmental Leader Conference and Energy Management Summit, Lang Lawrence, energy manager for Raytheon Missile Systems (RMS), described how the global defense company is using artificial intelligence and integrating peak shaving techniques to meet energy efficiency goals.

According to Lawrence, the history of Raytheon Missile Systems peak shaving strategies includes:

  • Since the 1980s, Raytheon Missile Systems has either used -- or considered using -- various peak shaving strategies at its Tucson, AZ airport site facility
  • In the 1980s, RMS used energy management and control systems (EMCS) to limit electric demand during peak demand periods by shutting down large fans, one by one, building by building for short periods of time (10 minutes usually)
  • In the mid-1990s and through today, thermal storage systems have been incorporated into central plants of larger airport site buildings
  • Since 2010, utility demand response programs have been considered, but not implemented, including the use of BAS to reduce peak demand by shutting down all large AHU fans in selected airport site buildings and limiting the use of utility power by using selected buildings' emergency generators

But perhaps the most modern approach to energy efficiency RMS has approached is the "smart campus," an initiative that allows RMS to limit and reduce building peak demand while also reducing building base load.

The RMS smart campus will:

  • Increase proactive visibility of the RMS infrastructure by providing a single view of the RMS campuses and buildings
  • Consolidate disparate systems into a RMS "internet of things" with one interface and integrated fault detection and diagnostics, energy management and continual performance analysis
  • Add a data management system to allow RMS to utilize smart campus for factory/equipment compliance history
  • Establish RMS campus and building dashboards that allow customers access to real-time building operation and energy consumption information

The RMS smart campus is an integrated network of smart buildings and smart infrastructure, which is composed of an interconnected network of smart devices such as sensors, meters, data loggers and controls. These are known as the "RMS internet of things" and will be used to provide optimal visibility of utilization and proactive analysis of performance.

The smart campus will also improve equipment and system performance that, in turn, will reduce energy use, optimize how space and equipment is utilized, and minimize the environmental impact of buildings. Lastly, the RMS smart campus will increase equipment and system reliability and life expectancy because of improved predictive analysis and maintenance.

The benefits and payback of such an initiative include a reduction in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of 5% after five years, along with an increased equipment life expectancy and maintenance savings. Other benefits include the elimination of energy performance improvement software application (year 1) and stand-alone clean room monitoring system (years 3 to 5), along with the elimination of on-site meter reading and energy report compilation (year 1).

According to Lawrence, RMS has integrated approximately 60% of their buildings, with a goal to be at 100% by the end of the year.

Environment + Energy Leader