Carrier Announces Sustainability, ESG Goals Linked To Executive Compensation


(Credit: Carrier)

As part of its comprehensive ‘Corporate Responsibility' strategy, Carrier has announced performance on 2020 sustainability goals, as well as 2030 ESG goals, which are linked to executive compensation.

Carrier joins a growing list of companies holding executives accountable for performance on sustainability and ESG targets. Today, nearly half of the FTSE 100 companies set measurable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets for their CEOs, and have begun to introduce ESG targets in executive compensation packages, according to a recent PwC report.

As discussed in the company’s 2021 Proxy Statement, the 2020 Sustainability Goals, which were originally established when Carrier was part of United Technologies, include:

  • Reduce GHG emissions by 15%
  • Reduce water consumption by 25%
  • Reduce hazardous waste generation by 10%
  • Increase waste recycling rate to 90%

For 2030, Carrier aims to be carbon neutral across its operations and to reduce its customers’ carbon footprint by more than 1 gigaton. The company will invest $2 billion over the next 10 years to support these targets.

Additionally, the company has expanded its 2030 targets beyond environment to include people and communities:

Our Planet

  • Reduce our customers’ carbon footprint by more than 1 gigaton by 2030
  • Invest over $2 billion to develop healthy, safe and sustainable building and cold chain solutions that incorporate sustainable design principles and reduce life cycle impacts
  • Achieve carbon neutral operations
  • Reduce energy intensity by 10% across our operations
  • Achieve water neutrality in our operations, prioritizing water-scarce locations
  • Deliver zero waste to landfill from manufacturing locations
  • Establish a responsible supply chain program and assess key factory suppliers against program criteria  

Our People

  • Exceed benchmark employee engagement
  • Achieve gender parity in senior leadership roles
  • Achieve a diverse workforce that represents the communities in which we live and work
  • Foster the growth of employee resource groups to drive social impact
  • Maintain world-class safety metrics

Our Communities

  • Positively impact communities by enabling access to safe and healthy indoor environments, alleviating hunger and food waste, and volunteering our time and talent
  • Invest in STEM education programs that promote diversity and inclusion
  • Promote sustainability through education, partnerships and climate resiliency programs

Environment + Energy Leader