The Benefits of Active Participation in Electricity Markets

Electricity Market Blue Graph Computer Image (Credit: Canva Pro)

When it comes to energy, value is determined by three key factors: price and quantity, and time. When and how you use energy is just as important as the price you pay for it and how much you use it. Ultimately, the ability to be flexible about when you use energy represents both a value and a cost, and utility and grid demand response programs allow you to monetize that flexibility.

For large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, distributed energy resources (DERs) such as on-site generation and energy storage can deliver hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual value through energy cost savings and earnings through demand response and other incentive programs. However, capturing that value requires access to these programs and the expertise and technology to leverage assets to maximize and stack value.

By using AI and robotic trading in energy demand response, C&I consumers can mitigate risks associated with energy volatility. By monitoring energy markets and forecasting future prices, can help businesses make more informed decisions about when to buy and sell energy, reducing their exposure to price volatility and ensuring that they are paying the best possible price for their energy. While optimizing purchasing alongside demand forecasts can open up opportunities in demand response programs to capture value from flexible assets on site.

Active energy management requires the use of every system solution and resource available. It consists more of a blend of real-time data, progressive predictions, storage options, and other software and hardware elements. In this upcoming webinar "Maximizing Your Energy Strategy: The Benefits of Active Participation" in partnership with E+E Leader, GridBeyond will explain the key components of demand response with an appropriate advanced meter integration, and intelligent energy storage control and how these can support your business in maximizing its energy strategy.

Event Details: 

Title: Maximizing Your Energy Strategy: The Benefits of Active Participation

Date: 5/18

Time: 1:00 PM ET / 10:00 AM PT

Environment + Energy Leader