Amazon's Second Headquarters is Sustainably Designed

The lawn and exterior of Amazon's Second Headquarters in Arlington, VA. Credit: Amazon

Amazon's second headquarters in Arlington, Virginia, showcases a sustainable design while also serving as a model for climate-friendly construction. The Metropolitan (Met) Park campus incorporates innovative technologies at scale, ranging from low-carbon concrete and mass timber to renewable energy and water reuse systems. With its emphasis on energy efficiency and carbon reduction, this state-of-the-art facility aims to benefit both the environment and the local community.

The Sustainable Design of Amazon's Second Headquarters 

The buildings at Met Park operate without relying on fossil fuels, ensuring zero operational carbon emissions. The entire campus is powered by renewable energy, procured from a solar farm in Virginia. Passive design strategies such as high-volume, low-speed fans, and hydronic radiant floor heating contribute to a comfortable and energy-efficient environment for occupants.

As a result of the campus’s sustainable design, Met Park has achieved 24% energy savings, Amazon said, which translates to the amount of electricity needed to power approximately 572 homes across the United States annually. 

Reducing Carbon Footprint Through Innovative Technologies

In addition to the energy savings, Amazon also combatted carbon emissions by utilizing an advanced low-carbon concrete mix. By injecting recycled carbon dioxide into fresh concrete, the project achieves a 20% reduction in the carbon footprint of its concrete structures compared to industry standards. 

Even more, Met Park has employed innovative technologies to recycle and reclaim water and to use green roofing to reduce energy consumption. As a result of these respective technologies, the building is expected to achieve 50% water savings below building code requirements and recycle 7.5 million gallons of water per year. Additionally, the landscaped green roofs adorned with native plantings optimize water usage through smart and low-flow irrigation systems.

Met Park extends its commitment to sustainability beyond its own operations. Small businesses occupying the retail spaces within the campus have been encouraged to reduce their carbon impact. 

Supporting Small Businesses in Sustainability Efforts

Amazon has collaborated with tenants, providing guidance on electrification and helping them transition away from fossil fuels while maintaining their unique offerings. As a result, all retail spaces, including restaurants and food services, will be powered by clean electricity, contributing to a fossil fuel-free environment.

Amazon's second headquarters conveys the potential for environmentally responsible development. With its focus on reducing carbon emissions and enhancing energy efficiency, Met Park inspires change across industries and promotes a sustainable future.

Environment + Energy Leader