Company Launches Measurable Carbon Removal Plans for Corporations


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Air to Earth has launched a service offering permanent carbon removal subscription plans that deliver measurable emission reduction results and advance the removal of legacy emissions.

Air to Earth says the three pillars of the company’s approach are pollution rights removal, natural carbon removal and technology innovation of direct air capture, an emerging pathway for removing carbon dioxide directly from the air for use or storage back on Earth.

Air to Earth issues, registers, and retires Air to Earth Carbon Removal Offsets (A2E CROs) on behalf of individuals, corporations and institutions seeking a measurable and low-cost way to offset difficult to abate carbon emission. Each A2E CRO represents one metric ton of avoided carbon emissions and is backed by carbon pollution rights that are permanently removed from use under an emissions reduction framework validated by 11 US states and the EPA.

Air to Earth has partnered with Kiss the Ground, Restore America's Estuaries and Texas A&M Energy Institute to advance natural carbon removal and innovate direct air capture.

Carbon removal has become a important part of may companies' ESG goals. Earlier this month, a corporate insurance group, including Munich Re and ERGO, invested in and partnered with EIT Climate-KIC, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich), to support solutions for carbon removal via the newly launched EIT Climate-KIC ClimAccelerator program.

Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) is an important component of achieving GHG emissions reductions goals globally. According to the US Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management, there were 65 commercial CCUS projects in various stages of development worldwide in 2020 – a 33% increase over 2019.

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