Anheuser-Busch’s $64M Investment Will Build Largest US Brewery Solar Installation


(Credit: Anheuser-Busch)

Anheuser-Busch is investing $64 million at its Los Angeles brewery to install new solar panels as well as emissions-reduction technology. With these upgrades, the brewery will have the largest solar installation of any brewery in the US, accounting for more than 10% of its total electricity use, the company says.

Construction to upgrade the Los Angeles brewery is currently underway and is expected to be completed later this year. The company announced in 2019 that it would brew its domestic beer with 100% renewable energy by this year.

In another move to further the sustainability of its products and operations, Anheuser-Busch has joined the How2Recycle program, implementing the recyclability labeling system to help consumers understand how to recycle their beer bottles, cans and packaging.

How2Recycle is a standardized labeling system adopted by over 375 brands and retailers that communicates recycling instructions to consumers. By adding the How2Recycle label to its packaging, the company hopes to address the user end of the value chain, ensuring that its packaging is not only produced sustainably but also disposed of in a sustainable manner.

The How2Recycle logo will be rolled out across Anheuser-Busch’s portfolio of brands beginning with the Bud Light family. The company says Bud Light will be the first major beer brand to utilize a How2Recycle label.  By partnering with retailers and leveraging the reach of its brands to highlight the How2Recycle program, Anheuser-Busch says it will help consumers understand how to recycle its packaging.

Anheuser-Busch aims to have 100% of its packaging made from majority recycled content or returnable content by the end of 2025. One recent effort includes its move to bring its products to market in cans made from low-carbon aluminum that meets industry-leading sustainability standards.

As the company attempts to improve the sustainability of its supply chain, it is focusing on four key areas. In addition to circular packaging, Anheuser-Busch says:

  • 100% of its purchased electricity will come from renewable sources, and CO2 emissions across the value chain will be reduced by 25% by 2025;
  • 100% of its facilities will be engaged in water efficiency efforts, and 100% of the communities in high-stress areas will have measurably improved water availability and quality by 2025;
  • 100% of its farmers will be “highly-skilled, connected, and financially empowered” by 2025.

Environment + Energy Leader