Zero Carbon Building Accelerator Will Help Tap Energy Savings Potential in Buildings, Says WRI


(Credit: WRI)

Every dollar invested in efficiency alone saves two dollars in new electricity generation and distribution costs, yet despite the extraordinary potential to drive savings and a sustainable future, 80% of economically viable energy savings in buildings remain untapped, according to the World Resources Institute (WRI). To help tap that potential, the WRI has launched the Zero Carbon Building Accelerator.

The Zero Carbon Building Accelerator will coordinate the development of national roadmaps and action plans toward a zero-carbon building sector by 2050, beginning in partner countries Colombia and Turkey and eventually spreading throughout the network of partners to the Building Efficiency Accelerator

The Zero Carbon Building Accelerator helps governments eliminate building sector CO2 emissions through four strategies:

  • Outreach: Working with national and local governments to map potential building decarbonization pathways and adopt public commitments on zero-carbon buildings.
  • Dialogue: Exploring how to achieve zero-carbon building commitments through facilitated policy dialogues with national and local governments, utilities, the private sector and civil society.
  • Planning: Developing and initiating short- and medium-term action plans and long-term national roadmaps linked to nationally determined contributions and other national strategies to achieve zero-carbon buildings by 2050.
  • Enabling Action: Developing and initiating adoption of policies to support stakeholders to accelerate market transformation towards zero-carbon buildings.

Buildings are one of the largest contributors to climate change, accounting for nearly 40% of energy-related CO2 emissions. But they are also the biggest, most cost-effective climate mitigation solution available, making up 58% of urban mitigation potential, WRI says. The institute launched the Accelerator with support from the Global Environment Facility, UN Environment Programme and World Green Building Council, among others.

To meet carbon reduction and climate resilience goals, the world’s building stock must be zero-carbon by 2050. But climate pledges by governments to date – even if fully achieved – would fall well short of what is required to bring global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to net zero by 2050, according to a report released in May by the International Energy Agency.

To reach that goal, national government must align with local implementation, according to the WRI. “The Zero Carbon Building Accelerator will assist countries and cities in defining viable pathways for action including policy development, capacity building and financial support,” says Clay Nesler, Global Lead for Buildings and Energy, WRI Ross Center for Sustainable Cities. 

Environment + Energy Leader