Burger King Begins Testing Reusable Sandwich and Beverage Containers


(Burger King brand reusable containers. Credit: Burger King)

Burger King has announced it is testing a new reusable packaging model that will help cut down on packaging waste. The brand, as part of its Restaurant Brands for Good framework, has launched a partnership with TerraCycle’s circular packaging service, Loop, to pilot a closed-loop system with zero-waste packaging that can be safely cleaned and refilled to be reused, again and again.

Together with Loop, the trial will offer restaurant guests the option to reduce waste when ordering their favorite Burger King in reusable sandwich containers or beverage cups.

Starting in 2021, select Burger King restaurants in New York City, Portland, and Tokyo will be among the first to implement the model, with more cities expected to be added in the coming months. Participating restaurants will feature a collection system, in which guests can return the packaging to be safely cleaned through Loop and reused at Burger King restaurants. Those who opt for the reusable packaging are charged a deposit at the time of purchase, and when the packaging is returned, they receive a refund.

Burger King says the pilot will help advance its sustainability strategy. The company has been pursuing other initiatives as well. In June, Burger King partnered with scientists to develop and test a new diet for cows, which according to initial study results, reduces up to 33% per day, on average, of cows’ daily methane emissions during the last three to four months of their lives.

According to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, livestock is responsible for approximately 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cows release methane, a greenhouse gas that traps the sun’s heat and warms the planet, as a by-product of their digestion.

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