Shell and Microsoft Partner to Help Each Other Reach Carbon Reduction Goals


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Shell and Microsoft are now partnering on a new strategic alliance to support progress towards a world with net-zero emissions. This builds on the strong foundation of decades of technology collaboration between the two companies.

The companies say this alliance will support Shell's ambition to be a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050 or sooner. Shell's supply of renewable energy will help Microsoft deliver on its renewable energy supply goals and its broader ambition to be carbon negative by 2050.

According to the two companies, the expanded alliance includes the following:

  • Shell will supply Microsoft with renewable energy, helping Microsoft to meet its commitment to having a 100% supply of renewable energy by 2025;
  • The two companies will continue working together on artificial intelligence (AI), which has delivered efficiencies that have helped reduce Shell's carbon emissions;
  • Shell and Microsoft will work together on new digital tools so Shell can offer its suppliers and customers effective support in reducing their carbon footprints; and
  • Shell and Microsoft will explore working together to help advance the use of sustainable aviation fuels.

A report published in May by the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI) showed that four oil and gas majors — Shell, Eni, Total, and Repsol — were aligned with the emissions reductions pledged by the signatories to the Paris Agreement. The research also noted that Shell’s goal to cut its emissions intensity by 65% by 2050 is the most ambitious in the sector and the closest to alignment with a 2°C scenario.

As for Microsoft, the company recently signed the its single largest renewable energy portfolio energy purchase agreement. The deal for more than 500 MW of solar projects in the United States should help Microsoft close in on its goal of 100% renewable energy by 2025.

Environment + Energy Leader