Walmart Signs Renewables Agreements with Engie US Wind


Walmart Signs Renewables Agreements with Engie US Wind (Photo: Engie US Wind’s Solomon Forks wind project in Thomas County, Kansas. Credit: Engie US Wind)[/caption]

Walmart signed two virtual renewable power purchase agreements (VPPAs) for more than 366 megawatts of wind energy in the United States through a procurement process with Engie US Wind.

The VPPAs were utilized through a single procurement process, according to Engie US Wind. Walmart is purchasing power from two sites currently under construction: 166 MW from Engie’s Prairie Hill project in Limestone and McLennan Counties, Texas, and 200 MW from Engie’s King Plains project in Garfield County, Oklahoma, the power producer said.

By the end of 2025, Walmart’s goal is to power 50% of its operations with renewable energy. In May of this year, the retailer reported that 28% of its electricity needs were supplied by renewable sources.

“Sourcing from wind energy projects — like these from Engie — is a core component in the mix to meet our goals,” said Mark Vanderhelm, vice president of energy for Walmart.

This latest procurement adds to Walmart’s existing VPPA with Engie for 150 MW at the Triple H wind project being built in Hyde County, South Dakota. Last September, Boston University signed a 15-year PPA with Engie North America purchase 48.6 MW from that project, Wind Power Monthly reported.

All in all, Engie and Walmart are collaborating on bringing more than 500 MW of wind power to the market in the United States, according to Engie US Wind. “Triple H, Prairie Hill, and King Plains are part of the portfolio acquired in early 2018 by a subsidiary of Engie North America from Infinity Power Holdings, a joint venture between Infinity Renewables and MAP Energy,” the power producer noted.

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