HanesBrands Slashes Emissions 34% by Adding Renewable Energy


HanesBrands Slashes Emissions 34% by Adding Renewable Energy (Photo Credit: HanesBrands)

HanesBrands reported that the company reduced carbon dioxide emissions 34% against a 2007 baseline, due in large part to their increased reliance on renewable energy.

This week the apparel company voluntarily disclosed carbon emissions and other environmental information for the CDP 2019 Climate Change Report. “Hanes has reduced energy consumption by almost 22% since 2007, and shifted more than 40% of the energy the company does use to renewable resources,” according to the detailed report they submitted.

Last year renewable energy sources rose 7 percentage points compared with 2017, the company said. Hanes actually reached their 2020 goal of 40% renewable energy usage two years ahead of schedule.

Overall energy usage also went down. They achieved a nearly 22% reduction in energy usage per pound of production compared to their 2007 baseline. “To date, the company’s energy reduction efforts have delivered a cumulative total cost avoidance of more than $220 million,” Hanes said.

For the last 10 years, HanesBrands has been consistently recognized by the EPA’s Energy Star program, first as Partner of the Year and then as as a Sustained Excellence Award winner.

The report for CDP noted that Hanes has constructed onsite biomass plants at their textile manufacturing facilities in El Salvador and the Dominican Republic. “This allows the company to produce process steam and electricity leading to better management of costs versus grid electricity and market fuel prices,” the report stated.

In addition, HanesBrands is looking at potentially expanding its renewable energy portfolio in the Dominican Republic and Central America with solar arrays for facilities in those areas. One potential project the company mentioned is a 2-MW array in the Dominican Republic that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 1,621.5 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

“Our company is intensely focused on making significant strides each year to protect the environment we share and enhance our business competitiveness,” said Mike Faircloth, the company’s group president of global supply chain, information technology, and e-commerce. “Transparently reporting progress against our goals is an important part of our efforts and culture.”

Environment + Energy Leader