CBRE Group Releases Sustainability Report, Says it Will Meet GHG Reduction Targets


(CBRE's LEED Triple Platinum headquarters. Image courtesy of CBRE.)

CBRE Group, Inc., a California-based commercial real estate services and investment firm has released its 2018 Corporate Responsibility Report, which highlights the company’s accomplishments in responsible business practices, including:

  • A commitment to environmental sustainability, including progress toward achieving greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets set in 2016 and 2017, certifying more than 60% of the company’s office space under internationally recognized green building standards and pledging to set a science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction target.
  • Registering and benchmarking a record 6,418 buildings, representing more than 420 million square feet, in the US Department of Energy’s ENERGY STAR program.
  • Heightened focus on employee safety and well-being, as reflected in a 24% drop in Total Recordable Incident Rate from 2017 to 2018.
  • Increased investment in diversity and inclusion programs, and an 11-person Board of Directors that now includes three women and three diverse men.

In regard to GHG reduction, the report notes the following:

CBRE’s Corporate Responsibility Report was produced in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Core option and includes the company’s progress toward implementing the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. The report also contains disclosures recommended in the Real Estate Services Sustainability Accounting Standard that was developed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB).


Environment + Energy Leader