Washington is Now Fifth State to Push for 100% Clean Energy


Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill this week that makes the state the fifth in the US to establish a 100% clean energy target.

Senate Bill 5116 cuts out coal power by 2025 and requires an equitable transition to 100% clean electricity for the entire state by 2045.

According to the San Francisco Gate, the signing of the new state law comes less than a week after Inslee unveiled his first major policy proposal of his presidential campaign, in which he called for the nation's entire electrical grid and all new vehicles and buildings to be carbon pollution free by 2030. Among other bills signed by Inslee was a measure that seeks to make large commercial buildings more energy efficient.

California, Hawaii, Nevada and New Mexico already have a 100% clean energy target. Several other states have also introduced 100% clean energy legislation in 2019, including Minnesota, Illinois, New York and Maine, among others.

The 4th Annual Environmental Leader & Energy Manager Conference takes place May 13 – 15, 2019 in Denver. Learn more here.


Environment + Energy Leader