Understanding Your Options for No-Cost Energy Projects


For large commercial and industrial (C&I) energy users, distributed energy resources (DERs) such as on-site generation and energy storage can deliver hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual value through energy cost savings and earnings through demand response and other incentive programs.

However, capturing that value requires access to these programs and the expertise and technology to leverage the assets to maximize their value. More importantly, implementing these projects requires capital investments that some organizations are not able to make.

To address these challenges, energy solutions providers will cover the upfront hardware and installation costs of a DER project and operate the assets to optimize their long-term financial performance. As a result, C&I energy users can significantly offset their energy expenses without making a capital investment in the technology needed to do so.

Join us for a live, 30-minute webinar that will break down the economics behind financing opportunities for energy storage, solar-plus-storage, and backup generator upgrade projects, as well as the financial impact these projects can have for C&I energy consumers.

Specifically, the discussion will cover:

  • The different financing options for energy storage and solar-plus-storage projects 
  • How demand response earnings create financing opportunities for upgrades to backup generators 
  • Details of successful projects and the benefits delivered to energy consumers



Lisa Rockefeller
Director of Sales, Demand Response
Enel X North America

Lisa is the Director of Sales for Demand Response at Enel X North America. Lisa has spent the past 10 years partnering with commercial and industrial customers to monetize the flexibility of their operations through demand response and related energy management programs. Previously, she managed public affairs for American Biomass Company and their affiliates, including Woodpellets.com

Dave Hebert
Sales Director, East
Enel X North America

Dave Hebert is the Director of DER Sales for the east markets for Enel X North America. He is focused on innovative energy storage, microgrid, and DER solutions. Prior to joining Enel X North America, Dave was Vice President of Business Development with Sunverge Energy and focused on helping utilities across North America advance their use of distributed Virtual Power Plants in the management of the grid.

Environment + Energy Leader