Siemens Total Energy Management Helps Hospital Reduce Operating Costs, Meet Compliance Standards


The Siemens Total Energy Management Approach can help healthcare facilities ensure they are providing an optimal environment of care while meeting compliance standards and reducing operating costs. For example, the total Energy Management approach is helping LaSalle General Hospital in East Central Louisiana reduce energy consumption by 275 and save approximately $200,000 per year in natural resource and operational costs. Infrastructure improvements and ongoing analysis will lead to energy savings that is equivalent to reducing CO2 emissions by almost 950 metric tons annually.

As part of Siemens’ Total Energy Management approach, the facility improvement measures include replacing water management fixtures, a water heating system, and steam boilers as well as air handling units and related controllers. In addition, lighting will be upgraded to include occupancy sensors, and a night setback energy management system will be installed. All of these will help reduce overall energy and water usage, as well as associated natural resource and operational costs by an estimated $200,000 annually over the course of 15 years.

The improvements are part of a $2 million energy savings performance contract (ESPC) with Siemens.

As a result of the energy savings performance contract with Siemens, LaSalle General Hospital received a $633,176 grant through the Louisiana Public Service Commission Statewide Energy Efficiency Program.

The Siemens Total Energy Management approach comes from the Siemens Building Technologies Division.

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