Combined Heat and Power (CHP): Applications & Best Practices

This presentation is designed to educate consulting specifying engineers regarding cogeneration projects. The presenter will discuss cogeneration principles including combined heat and power (CHP) and combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP). Common factors that influence the success of most cogeneration projects—such as payback period, spark spread, fuel source analysis, and thermal and electrical considerations—will be discussed in detail.

During this webcast, the presenter will provide examples of successful cogeneration projects from around the world, highlighting the unique attributes of each project. He will also identify best practices to consider when evaluating and planning a potential cogeneration project.

Learning objectives:

  • Overview of cogeneration principles including combined heat and power (CHP) and combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP).
  • Understanding of common factors that influence the viability and financial implications of a cogeneration project such as payback period, spark spread, fuel source analysis, and thermal and electrical factors.
  • Examples of successful installations from around the world.
  • Identification of best practices when evaluating and planning a potential cogeneration project.

Presenter: Christian Mueller, Sr. Sales Engineer, MTU Onsite Energy

Christian Mueller is a senior sales engineer at MTU Onsite Energy who is responsible for engineering and sales support for the MTU gas power systems product line in North America for CHP, biogas and continuous power generation applications up to 2MW. He holds a degree in industrial engineering from the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. Christian brings seven years of power generation experience to the company.

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