Settlement Aims to Speed EV Charging Station Deployment


ev charging Energy ManageA diverse set of public interest groups, automakers, labor unions and San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) submitted a proposed settlement to the California Public Utilities Commission to accelerate the deployment of smart electric vehicle (EV) charging stations that would support the utility grid in San Diego.

The proposed program calls for SDG&E to install smart charging infrastructure at up to 550 multi-family housing sites and workplace locations throughout its service territory, with an average of 10 chargers at each location for a total of 5,500 separate chargers. Customers would have a choice of rate options and equipment to ensure drivers charge in a manner that maximizes fuel cost savings and supports the electric grid, and to promote competition and market growth in the charging service industry.

The pilot program would feature price signals that encourage EV drivers to save money by charging their vehicles when renewable energy is plentiful and energy prices are low.

The proposed settlement was negotiated and signed by SDG&E, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), The Greenlining Institute, California Coalition of Utility Employees, Plug In America, the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), the Sierra Club, the Center for Sustainable Energy, the Green Power Institute, ChargePoint, NRG EV Services, Smart Grid Services Siemens AG, KN Grid, CALSTART, General Motors, Honda Motors and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers.

Image via Shutterstock.

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