Lawrence Livermore Lab Gets 3MW Onsite Solar


UnknownThe US Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) finalized a license agreement with Juwi Solar for an onsite solar electrical generation system at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Juwi will design, engineer, install and finance a 3 MW fixed-tilt solar photovoltaic array on 10 acres at the Laboratory's Livermore site. Juwi will also operate and maintain the ground-mounted solar energy system.

The facility is expected to generate about 6,300 MWh annually. The power generated from the system will be sold to the Western Area Power Administration (Western) through a 20-year power purchase contract, and the DOE/NNSA will purchase the renewable power under its current power agreement with Western for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

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