Shipping Industry Carbon Credits Developed


AkzoNobel carbon creditAkzoNobel's Marine Coatings business and The Gold Standard Foundation have developed a carbon credit methodology for the international shipping industry that they say is the first of its kind.

Certification by The Gold Standard for the peer-reviewed methodology will allow ships to generate carbon credits — thus income — for the CO2 emission reductions they achieve.

The methodology is based on ship owners and operators converting existing vessels from a biocidal antifouling system to the premium, biocide-free advanced hull coating Intersleek. A baseline emission level is determined for the vessel prior to the application of Intersleek with the same data source then used to determine the emissions savings after the application of Intersleek.

The carbon credits generated are directly related to reduced emissions as a result of reduced fuel consumption.

Reducing ship and occupational fatalities, cutting emissions and using new technology to increase efficiency and keep freight costs low are the three most promising ways to achieve a safe and sustainable shipping industry by 2050, according to one of six sustainability reports released last month by DNV GL.

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