The rapid expansion of satellite constellations is set to significantly increase the number of objects orbiting Earth, leading to more satellite reentries. During reentry, satellites burn up, producing aluminum oxides that catalyze ozone-depleting chlorine activation. A recent study, "Potential Ozone Depletion from Satellite Demise During Atmospheric Reentry in the Era of Mega-Constellations," used advanced simulations to examine this process. The study found that a typical 250-kg satellite generates around 30 kg of aluminum oxide nanoparticles, which can persist in the atmosphere for decades. In 2022 alone, satellite reentries added approximately 17 metric tons of aluminum oxides to the mesosphere. Future scenarios with mega-constellations could contribute over 360 metric tons annually, raising significant concerns about long-term ozone depletion.
According to the European Space Agency (ESA), the number of tracked objects in low-Earth orbit (LEO) is expected to triple over the next century. This growth highlights the need for effective post-mission disposal strategies. International guidelines recommend that satellites reenter within 25 years after mission termination, while the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) enforces a stricter 5-year decommissioning rule to limit orbital cluttering. However, there are growing concerns about the environmental impacts of increasing reentries from LEO.
During atmospheric reentry, spacecraft lose between 51% and 95% of their mass. Aluminum, a common material in satellites, reacts with oxygen to form aluminum oxides. These oxides are potential pollutants that can interfere with stratospheric ozone chemistry, significantly enhancing ozone depletion.
Historical measurements showed a dramatic increase in stratospheric aluminum levels from 1976 to 1984, linked to emissions from solid rocket motors (SRM) during ascent. Observations during the reentry of the cargo resupply vehicle ATV-1 and the Cygnus OA6 spacecraft confirmed the presence of aluminum oxides, detected through spectroscopy after mesosphere ablation.
Earlier assessments focused on short-term ozone depletion from chlorine exhaust during SRM ascent phases, but long-term impacts from aluminum oxides were not thoroughly investigated. Recent studies have found that reentry byproducts, including aluminum particles, now exceed cosmic dust in the stratosphere, indicating significant long-term environmental impacts.
In 2022, the total mass of reentering objects was estimated at 332.5 metric tons, a 21% increase from the previous year, with 93% from LEO. Over the last five years, more than one million radio-frequency spectrum allocation requests for planned satellites indicate a substantial increase in satellite launches. Forecasts predict future reentry rates of 800-3,200 metric tons per year for satellites and up to 1,000 metric tons per year for launch vehicles. This trend may be exacerbated by design-for-demise engineering approaches and active debris removal solutions.
Recent studies used computational fluid dynamics and energy minimization models to estimate the generation of aluminum and titanium oxides during reentry. These models, while informative, did not clearly quantify the byproducts. To address this, atomic-scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to model the aluminum oxidation process during reentry. The MD simulations provided detailed insights into the formation of aluminum oxide clusters, which can take up to 30 years to settle from the mesosphere to the stratosphere, where they can catalyze chlorine activation, promoting ozone depletion.
Extrapolating MD simulation results to the entire population of reentering satellites, data from the ESA's Annual Space Environment Report indicates that in 2022, aluminum reentry from satellites exceeded natural levels from micrometeoroids by 29.5%. Forecasts for future mega-constellations suggest an annual excess of over 640%, translating to more than 360 metric tons of aluminum oxide clusters from satellites.
The study underscores the pressing need for further research into the environmental impacts of satellite reentry since findings suggest that reentry byproducts can persist in the atmosphere, greatly contributing to ozone depletion over time. As satellite reentry rates continue to rise, it is crucial to develop and implement mitigation strategies to address these environmental concerns. Future research should explore additional factors such as diffusive processes, broader chemical species in aluminum alloys, and more comprehensive atmospheric models to fully understand and mitigate the environmental impact of satellite reentry.